Moving towards innovative education for research-based and sustainable management of marine and freshwater ecosystems


About Corriente XXI

The project CORRIENTE XXI is a Capacity Building in the field of Higher Education in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme Key Action 2 funded by the European Commission.  With a budget of € 869,795 Euro and within a period of 3 years, CORRIENTE XXI aims to strengthen Peru’s and Ecuador’s capacity to face 21st century environmental concerns. 

Project Coordinator: Prof. dr. Nico Koedam (VUB, Belgium)
Project Manager: dr. Diana Di Nitto (VUB, Belgium)
“Master of Science in Marine and Lacustrine Science and Management” (Oceans & Lakes)

For more information about CORRIENTE XXI, please feel free to visit our website and follow us on Facebook.


CORRIENTE XXI at the Open Science Conference on EBUS

The CORRIENTE XXI team is organising open side events along the Open Science Conference on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS): Past, Present and Future & Second International Conference on the Humboldt Current System in Lima, Peru.

Use of equipment for measuring ocean acidification in the Bay, Galapagos

The implementation of the acquired equipment is being carried out by our partner university, the Escuela Politécnica del litoral (ESPOL). The current fieldwork is part of the project to evaluate ocean acidification in Bahia Academia, Santa Cruz Island in Ecuador.

Equipment for master's degree programs in Ecuadorian and Peruvian universities

One of the objectives of the CORRIENTE XXI project is to contribute to the updating and optimization of teaching and research methods in master's degree programs. Thus, the acquisition of equipment for general use during classes, but also for laboratory and field work was promoted.

Exchange workshops on fieldwork and transferable skills among partner universities

The Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO) organized workshops on fieldwork practices and transferable skills to be incorporated into the Master's programs of the participating universities.

Our Partners