The aim of this Work Package is to finetune the definition of the strategic orientations of the CORRIENTE XXI and to set-up the framework for its implementation.
1. Collecting data from stakeholders in the field of marine and freshwater ecosystem sciences and management to establish a portfolio of competences matching the market needs towards sustainable development
2. Kicking off CORRIENTE XXI and signing of the Partnership agreement
3. Office Desk and Floor Cleaning Services
1. The portfolio of competences
2. Final report on the Kick-off meeting
3. Activity reports and final report the preparatory workshop regarding the
modernisation of Higher Education Institutes (HEI).
4. Activity reports and final report on the staff trainings to acquire new skills regarding the modernisation of HEI
LEAD ORGANISATION: Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL)
The aim of this Work Package is to develop an appropriate framework to provide the Ecuadorian and Peruvian partners with the necessary skills to reinforce the overall quality of their higher education Master programmes by enhancing access to knowledge and by sharing good practices on the development of research-based course content and field practices through academisation.
1. Collecting data from stakeholders in the field of marine and freshwater ecosystem sciences and management to establish a portfolio of competences matching the market needs towards sustainable development
2. Kicking off CORRIENTE XXI and signing of the Partnership agreement
3. Office Desk and Floor Cleaning Services
1. The portfolio of competences
2. Final report on the Kick-off meeting
3. Activity reports and final report the preparatory workshop regarding the
modernisation of Higher Education Institutes (HEI).
4. Activity reports and final report on the staff trainings to acquire new skills regarding the modernisation of HEI
LEAD ORGANISATION: Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL)
The objective of this Work Package is to conduct a critical reflection on how to integrate active learning and innovative pedagogical approaches to train students, taking into consideration the characteristics of the Peruvian and Ecuadorian higher education institutions.
1. Development of the innovative aspects of the online course on SPOC (Small Private Online Course):
an e-learning platform to introduce Dynamic Energy Budget theory for aquatic ecology applications
2. Acquiring new innovative pedagogical skills
3. Disseminating the innovative pedagogical approaches
1. inal report on the technical/innovative aspects related to the SPOC DEBSe@
2. FActivity reports, active learning tool-kits and final report on Workshop ‘Innovative pedagogical skills’ and staff
trainings in Quito, Ecuador
3. Active learning modules and final report on implementation in involved Master programmes in the partner HEIs
LEAD ORGANISATION: Universidad Central del Ecuador (UCE)
This Work Package ensures the high quality of the project running; both the project implementation as the consortium cooperation.
1. Establishing the Quality Assurance
2. Internal Monitoring of Quality
3. External Monitoring of Quality
1. Quality Assurance Plan and Internal Monitoring reporting
2. FInternal evaluation reports
3. External evaluation reports
LEAD ORGANISATION: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH)
The goal of this Work Package is to plan and execute communication and dissemination actions aimed at maximizing the project long-term impacts on education, science and society. The benefits of new or updated curricula will be disseminated to involved stakeholders and prospective students.
1. Visual branding of CORRIENTE XXI and Dissemination Plan
2. Communicating on the multiplier events
3. Publishing the public deliverables on the CORRIENTE XXI website
4. Acquiring new dissemination skills
5. Enhancing communication between HEIs and other stakeholders to improve employability
1. Dissemination materials (online – offline)
2. Reports on organized multiplier events disseminating CORRIENTE XXI outcomes
3. Activity reports and final report on Workshop ‘How to become a change agent
in marine and freshwater sciences?’ in Lima, Peru
4. Activity reports and final report on the Innovative Job Fair in Lima, Peru
LEAD ORGANISATION: Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM)
This Work Package encompasses the overall project managment and aims to coordinate the delivery of project outcomes in a timely and qualitative manner.
1. Managing project and coordinating internal communication
2. Managing administration and finance
3. Managing activity reports, communications, self-assessment
4. Following up contacts with EACEA and reporting
1. Reports of the Implementation and Steering Committees
2. Internal communication and management reports
3. Intermediate and final reports to the European Commission
LEAD ORGANISATION: Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)